Boston North Shore Home Improvement: Fueled by Refi’s?

Many Boston North Shore home improvement projects are taking shape thanks to rising home values. There’s probably no greater investment opportunity over the long run than the growth in real estate equity. As a result, many homeowners are taking advantage of the opportunity to use that equity to fund home improvements by refinancing their mortgages. […]

Student Loan Debt Affects Boston North Shore Home Buying

The Boston North Shore home buying market has been impacted by many potential first-time home buyers wrestling with repaying student loans. A recent survey revealed that young adults who would otherwise be prospective home buyers shelved their home search until their student debt is either reduced significantly or paid entirely. To make matters worse, […]

Boston North Shore Mortgage Rules to Protect Consumers

The Boston North Shore mortgage industry now has new regulations in effect designed for lenders to be more transparent in their dealings with borrowers. The areas of reform are aimed at simplifying and streamlining some of the consumer disclosure documents in order to make it easier for borrowers to understand various lending programs. Boston North Shore […]