Boston North Shore housing is obviously affected by interest rates, and recently, the much anticipated rate hike by the Federal Reserve was once again put on hold because Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen said she thinks the housing market is still not where it needs to be. 

Jeff Taylor of Digital Risk appeared on Fox Business News after Yellen's comments about the housing market being depressed or distressed, countering her assertion that the housing sector is depressed, citing that housing indicators are at all-time highs.

Many in the Boston North Shore housing sector have actually been hoping the Fed WOULD raise interest rates. Taylor points out some of the reasons why this thinking actually makes some sense…

Stay abreast on what the Fed does in the future with interest rates by continuing to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We post daily there. Also stay abreast of the Boston North Shore housing market by checking here frequently for more up to date news as it affects Boston North Shore housing.

Also of Interest -  2016 Boston North Shore Housing Predictions